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Hello, my name is Sylvia and I am African-Portuguese. I currently live in London and but have family living in  Portugal and Zimbabwe. I visit Portugal and Zimbabwe often because majority of my family live there. When I'm in Zimbabwe my favorite thing to do is go to Church with my family. My religion is Christianity and at my church we celebrate with Jerusarema dance at the end. This is a traditional dance which originates in Zimbabwe.


Singing of course is my favorite hobby and I am so blessed to have made it my career. I have such a strong passion for expressing my emotions with my music and hopefully supporting other people with some of my work. Another thing I like to do is spend time with the people I love whether that be going out for food or inviting them over. The people I love have supported me throughout my whole crazy journey and helped me become the best version of myself. Something I dislike is when people disrespect others whether that be offending their culture, race, sexuality, gender etc. 


“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney. This is a quote I stand by and encourage everyone around me to follow their dreams. Even during my dull and difficult days I keep this on my mind to never give up because one day something big will happen!

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”― Mahatma Gandhi. I have applied this to my life in many various ways. One of which is the way I never judge people from whats outside, instead I find out whats on the inside. I am a strong believer in equality for EVERYONE and therefore treat everyone with the same respect and care.

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”― Thomas A. Edison. During my life I have found plenty of things that haven't worked. I have finally been able to look at these in another light and not as fails. Failing suggests that I will never meet a desired place. Even if I'm not there now, I am on my way.


The reasoning behind Survivor was to spread awareness about a major issue being Domestic Abuse. In the past, I have experienced a traumatic and toxic relationship where I felt trapped. At the time I felt completely alone despite having my friends and family around caring for me. But I shut them out because I had been brainwashed by someone who I thought I was in love with that I wasn't good enough. The video is me sharing my personal experience to those who might be unaware or apart of the issue. I want to show everyone experiencing something similar that you are never alone. The song has a special place in my heart because it reveal my scars rather than hiding them. It shows how I survived such an awful thing.

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